Touchpoint Analysis by Media Type

Guiding question
Which channels and applications can be used to reach stakeholders?
- What – current and potential – contact points does the company/brand have with its stakeholders?
- Are these touchpoints paid, earned or owned channels?
- How can the user journey be designed (see Tool 75)?
The touchpoint analysis – the sifting and breakdown of current and potential contact points – is based on the analyses of media usage behavior (cf. Tools 15 and 16) and on evaluations of feedback/media usage of the company's own communication measures in the past.
Touchpoints are arranged in concentric circles and sectors based on a matrix structure. The concentric circles sort the media by the following types:
- Paid media are media where the company pays for the publication of content, e.g., by placing ads or banners.
- Owned media are in-house publications, e.g., brochures, events, the company's own website.
- Earned media are media in which the company "earns" the publication through attractive content, e.g., in media relations.
The sectors break down the media groups according to criteria such as Digital, Analog and Personal contact.
The tool can be used both to record the ACTUAL touchpoints and – in strategy development – to define the TARGET touchpoints. Alternatively, the Customer Journey TARGET tools (see Tools 74 and 75) can be used for the touchpoint analysis ACTUAL.
Theory: PESO model
The PESO model is a model for portfolio management of channels in communication campaigns. PESO stands for Paid, Earned, Shared and Owned Media. It was introduced in 2013 by Gini Dietrich (2013). The PESO model defines shared media beyond Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned media. Thus, it also captures social content generated by stakeholders on social media. The integrated model promotes content and process coordination between channels in the four content types.